If you want to cancel your order or part of it, first select the relevant order in your personal area under the menu item "My Orders".
Please check the status of your order first. Cancellation is only possible as long as the goods are not in shipment.
And this is how it works:
- Select the order from which you want to cancel items.
- In the heading above the order, please click on the "Cancel" button.
- Now you can select the items you want to cancel.
- Before you send us the cancellation, we ask you to give us a reason. Your details will help us to improve.
- As soon as the details are complete, simply click on the "Continue" button.
- You will then receive an automatic confirmation of your cancellation by e-mail.
- The refund will be made within a few days. Please note that the payment method you used for the purchase will be used.
Item already shipped?
In this case, you still have the option of returning the unwanted item to us once it has arrived at your home or simply refusing to accept it on delivery.
As soon as the item is back with us, we will refund the purchase price within 14 days via the payment method used.
Find out more about refunds for canceled items and returns. If you have used gift cards or discounts, we also recommend that you read the article on refunds
Deleting items from the shopping cart
If you have already added items to your shopping cart and would like to remove individual items from it,
you can simply delete the unwanted items from the shopping cart.
To do this, simply click on the small "x" next to the relevant item in the shopping cart.
The item will be deleted from the shopping cart and you can order the remaining items or add more items.