Here are the steps and options for managing your newsletter settings at Westwing:
Enable or Disable:
- Log in to your customer account and go to the "My Newsletter" section.
- Adjust your settings and save them.
For Gmail or Hotmail Addresses:
- Right-click on a Westwing email in the spam folder.
- Select "Not Spam" or "Mark as Not Junk".
- Go to the navigation bar and click on "Not Junk"
2. For or GMX Addresses:
- Open the Westwing email in the spam folder.
- Click on "Not Spam" in the navigation bar.
- Alternatively, choose "Move" and then "Inbox" or another relevant category like "Friends & Contacts".
3. General steps:
- Drag and drop the Westwing email from the spam folder to the inbox.
Still receiving Newsletters despite deactivation?
You may have another account with Westwing using a different email address.
Try logging in with other known email addresses to check for any existing accounts.
Use the "Forgot Password" feature if you need access to your account.
Also, check if you might be registered with Westwing in another country and receiving newsletters from there.